Gruppo 25 aprile

Piattaforma civica (e apartitica) per Venezia e la sua laguna

Archivio per il tag “Contorta petition”

Breaking News 27 August: 20,000 signatures !!!

27 August, 21.40 (Venice time): the petition against dredging a new monster canal in the Venice lagoon reached the monster number of 20,000 signatures !!!

27 agosto, ore 21.40: la petizione contro lo scavo del Contorta ha superato quota 20.000 firme !!!

27 août, 21h40: la pétition contre le nouveau canal Contorta a atteint les 20.000 signatures !!!

Would you like to sign the petition? You can still do it at:

La raccolta firme continua fino al 7 settembre a Venezia (regata storica) e anche qui:

La pétition est encore ouverte aux signatures, ici:

Dai 600 delle Termopili.. ai 20.000 di Maratona!

Un grazie particolare a (in ordine alfabetico):

AmbienteVenezia, Gruppo25aprile, Italia Nostra (sezione di Venezia),, VeneziaCambia2015, Venezia Vi.Va ..and!


Breaking News: 10,000 signatures in 11 hours, for our #Lagooncalling!

10.000 firme in 11 ore, oggi! 10,000 more signatures in 11 hours, today, after our press release:


There is only one Lagoon we call Home. Help us saving our Lagoon.

Nous n’avons que cette lagune, qui est notre maison. Aidez-nous à la sauver.

Nur eine Lagune nennen wir “Zuhause”. – Helft uns, sie zu retten.

We are a group of 200 venetians, “native” and not. Whoever truly loves Venice is welcome here, irrespective of nationality and religion: this has always been the secret of Venice, since the middle age: its capacity to attract the best energies from all over the Mediterranean Sea.

Why are we launching this call, and why in English, too? Venice already has the status of “world heritage” but this cannot be interpreted as a mere duty to protect its stones: due to its unique environment, Venice is a pearl which can only be saved if we protect its shell, that is our lagoon. On 8 August, to accommodate the needs of ever bigger cruise ships (140,000 tonnes, compared to the 40 tonnes of our “vaporetti”), the national Government announced its intention to dredge a new deeper and larger canal, that would threaten our lagoon and its wetlands, as well as two of our smaller islands.

How to define a “venetian”? It is not an issue of identity card but of lifestyle, and a choice of life. Small is beautiful, in Venice, because the space is limited and our lifestyle is unique: no cars in the streets, no elevators in our buildings; no motorways no subway and we can still feel the four seasons on our skin, when we go out for shopping. This is unattractive for many people, and exciting for others, such as the 16,000 foreigners (“foresti”) who made the choice of buying a property in the lagoon. We need their help, now, and yours too.

Water is our home, water was our “wall” and protected us against many threats in times of troubles, as long as this was a City State (until 1797); it is also for this reason that, over the centuries, the Venice Republic used to cherish the lagoon and was able to preserve it with an amazing (and very effective) body of “environmental legislation” when such word was not yet created.

The rich and the poor always lived close to each other, in Venice: no need to build a castle or a fortress to protect the Duke (Doge) because the city was able to stand united and united we stand today, that the lagoon is threatened. United we stand, but we need your help. Why?

Venice has lost many of its native residents, over the past 60 years, due to the cost of living: this city is so charming and so successfully attractive as a tourist destination that prices have rocketed to sky and most jobs available by now are those related to the one industry of mass tourism, which are not remunerated enough to afford living in the houses where our parents and grandparents used to live. We have lost 100,000 residents, in just 60 years, and the venetians still living in the lagoon are only 85,000 (foreigners included). United we stand, but we need your help. Sign our petition, if you share our concerns:

  1. How to sign the petition?

2. Where to find the list of the first signers?


Prime Minister Matteo Renzi

Joint Committee for Safeguarding Venice

Stop the plan to dredge the maxi-canal Contorta, before it’s too late!

The construction of the new navigation channel “Contorta” would bring the main industrial and commercial channel, “canale dei petroli”, into the heart of the city of Venice. This would reduce the lagoon’s natural defences and subject it to the combined pressures of water masses arriving from the lido and malamocco inlets, which are the two largest sea-mouths between the adriatic and the lagoon. The consequences would be irreversible(and include more frequent flooding of Venice and more rapid decay of the urban fabric, along with impacts on the lagoon biodiversity and resilience). We are against dredging the Contorta canal because it would be damaging to Venice and the lagoon. We therefore request that the plan is immediately withdrawn while all the available alternatives for managing cruise traffic in Venice are considered and compared.

We express, last but not least, the conviction that it must be the City of Venice to decide on a question that so directly concerns its future, and that city representatives are no longer treated like undesired onlookers!


Our Facebook Group:

Our Internet page:



Number of venetians still living in the lagoon:

On the risks of dredging the Contorta Canal, a first reaction from Cambridge:

and a short article signed Jane Da Mosto:

Breaking News 25 August: Lagoon calling, our Press Release (English and French)


Brussels, 25 August 2014

An international petition addressed to Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Chairman of the Joint Committee for Safeguarding Venice, has been launched by Venetian citizens to cancel the planned project of dredging a new maxi-canal for mega-ships in the Venetian Lagoon, that would critically alter its already fragile hydrologic balance and, consequently, endanger Venice itself.

It has been signed by 575 people in Venice and by more than 2.300 people online, in just a few days.

As from today, the petition will also circulate in Brussels together with an explanatory note (“The Lagoon call”, PDF and word versions attached), to raise awareness inside the European Institutions and to collect signatures within the International community living in Brussels.

Among the subscribers, the world known historian Alvise Zorzi, former President of the Association of International Private Committees for the Safeguarding of Venice; journalists Francesco Da Mosto, Sebastiano Giorgi, Manfredi Manera, Maristella Tagliaferro, Silvio Testa, Pieralvise Zorzi; authors Alessandro Marzo Magno and Alberto Toso Fei. In Venice the petition brought together former members of the City Council and descendants of ancient Venetian Patrician families that founded and ruled the Serenissima, such as Zorzi, Barozzi, Grimani, Querini and Da Mosto; the descendants of Giobatta Gianquinto (the first post-WW2 City Mayor) and of Gianpietro Talamini (founder of the Venetian newspaper ‘Il Gazzettino’); entrepreneurs Massimo and Marco Vidal, Andrea Tagliapietra, and renowned gondola master-craftsman Saverio Pastor; iconic actress Ottavia Piccolo and Professor Carlo Beltrame (reader in Marine Archeology at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice).

Background information:

The first subscribers and more information on the ongoing campaign:

The petition, original version:

The petition, English version:

The special group created on Facebook to promote the campaign (1.045 members):

Twitter hashtags:


Campaign logo by Selina Zampedri

Communiqué de presse. Venise appelle à l’aide: arrêtez de creuser des maxi-canaux dans la lagune!

Bruxelles, 25 août 2014

Après avoir recueilli 575 signatures à Venise et 2.300 en ligne en quelques jours seulement, un groupe d’intellectuels et juristes vénitiens vient de lancer une pétition internationale adressée au Premier Ministre Italien Matteo Renzi (Président du Comité pour la Sauvegarde de Venise) afin d’arrêter le creusement d’un nouveau maxi-canal, car celui-ci endommagerait de manière considérable et peut-être irréversible Venise et sa lagune.

A partir d’aujourd’hui la pétition circulera donc à Bruxelles, accompagnée d’un dossier explicatif en anglais (« Venice calls Brussels », format PDF ainsi que Word) dans le but de sensibiliser le milieu des Institutions Européennes et de solliciter des signatures au sein de la Communauté Internationale à Bruxelles.

A Venise, la pétition a déjà été signée, entre autres, par l’historien Alvise Zorzi (ancien Président de l’Association des Comités Privés Internationaux pour la Sauvegarde de Venise), les journalistes Francesco Da Mosto, Sebastiano Giorgi, Manfredi Manera, Silvio Testa, Maristella Tagliaferro, Pieralvise Zorzi, ainsi que par les écrivains Alessandro Marzo Magno et Alberto Toso Fei.

Parmi les signataires, on retrouve également d’anciens membres du Conseil Municipal et des descendants des anciennes familles Vénitiennes, qui à l’époque fondèrent et gouvernèrent la Sérénissime, tels que les Zorzi, Barozzi, Grimani, Querini et Da Mosto, ainsi que les descendants de Giobatta Gianquinto (le premier Maire après la fin de la II Guerre Mondiale) et de Gianpietro Talamini (fondateur du quotidien vénitien « Il Gazzettino »), les entrepreneurs Massimo et Marco Vidal, Andrea Tagliapietra et le renommé maître ébéniste Saverio Pastor, la célèbre actrice Ottavia Piccolo, la chanteuse d’opéra Giovanna Dissera Bragadin, les Professeurs Gianni Fabbri, Lorenzo Lazzarini (IUAV) et Carlo Beltrame de l’Université Ca’ Foscari à Venise.

Plus d’information :

La pétition (en anglais) :

Le groupe facebook:


Porteparole pour la campagne internationale:

Marco Gasparinetti

+32.488.293098 (Bruxelles)

+39.345.3459663 (Venezia)



Breaking News, 18 August: our Petition on!

Arrivati a quota 500 (firme veneziane), siamo partiti anche con questa petizione “online”, che è aperta a tutti, per raggiungere gli amici lontani e chiunque ami la nostra laguna:

(in English too, after the Italian version)!

Twitter hashtags:


Key message:

DE: Nur eine Lagune nennen wir “Zuhause”. – Helft uns, sie zu retten! –

EN: There is only one Lagoon we call Home. Help us saving our Lagoon!

FR: Nous n’avons que cette lagune, qui est notre maison. Aidez-nous à la sauver!

Gruppi facebook:





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